Ayurveda Cooking

Hi, I’m Sahar Rizvi, the owner of Cleveland Masala. I’m a health and wellness coach who specializes in Ayurveda and hands on Cooking lessons. I bring the Western nutrition science with wisdom of Eastern holistic health to help women take charge of their health. My...
Outdoor classes

Outdoor classes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse dapibus massa sem, sed finibus erat gravida id. Duis quis tristique sapien. Donec id odio orci. Ut lacinia tortor metus, ac eleifend arcu commodo vel. Maecenas tincidunt nisi nec neque tempor...
Connecting our Community

Connecting our Community

It’s a challenging time out there and the winter months may leave us more isolated than ever as we continue to live through Covid19. We’d like to invite you to join our talented students as they take the reins and teach what they know best. More practically...
Change is in the Air

Change is in the Air

Change can be hard. Change often creates a feeling of discomfort. Most of us prefer to stay in our comfort zone where life feels predictable, more secure. And when several things change over a short period of time, that feeling may go from discomfort to stress, from...

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